Dojo Etiquette

Many of the things we do in the dojo are done for a reason; the dojo etiquette was designed to help you with your training and to understand Kyokushin. Etiquette consists of common sense, plain good manners, and old traditions. To ignore Dojo Etiquette, Dojo Kun, and Sosai’s 11 mottos, we take away the very foundation of Kyokushin.

  • When entering or leaving the dojo, stand in the doorway, face the front, bow, and say "Osu.”. This represents a mark of respect for the dojo and the people in it.
  • If late for training, kneel at the side of the class towards the back, facing away in SEIZA (formal kneeling position). When the instructor acknowledges you, stand up, turn to the front, bow, and say "Osu," then quickly join the back of the class.
  • Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum in the dojo.
  • Always move quickly in class when instructed to do something. DO NOT STROLL.
  • Do not practice Kumite unless instructed to do so.
  • Do not break rank for any reason without asking permission from the instructor. If you must leave your position, do not walk between the instructor and the class. Walk behind the row you are in to either side and proceed from there.
  • Always address the instructor and seniors by their proper titles (SEMPAI, SENSEI, SHIHAN) inside the dojo. Acknowledge them with a loud “OSU” when they speak to you.
  • Your training should be a serious matter. Do not laugh, giggle, talk, or cause disruption during the class. You should always stand in FUDO DACHI when awaiting the next command.
  • All directions given by the instructor should be obeyed in the dojo, without question. You will not be asked to do anything that your instructor has not done for himself or herself already. If you cannot keep up, do the best you can.
  • Keep fingernails and toenails short and clean.
  • During the break, no sitting on chairs, leaning against the wall, or lying down. Do some training rather than waste time.
  • It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the dojo is clean, tidy, and safe at all times.
  • Your karate-gi must be neat and washed clean at all times. Your belt should never be washed; it should only be air dried. It symbolically contains the spirit of your hard training, and under no circumstances are male karatekas allowed to wear t-shirts or other clothing underneath their karate gi.
  • Don’t wear jewellery or watches during training.
  • Mobile phones are to be switched to silent during training.